
I met a fabulous horse with a wonderful story for a photo shoot in Goshen. His name is Beato- pronounced “Bee-ah-tu”.

Beato means “blessed” and he earned the name because when he was born, his legs didn’t function and he could not stand. But when the veterinarian came out to euthanize him, miraculously the little colt was standing there waiting for him! So, he was named “blessed” because it is a miracle he is even alive.

He’s a stunning boy, now. And he’s come a long way from being rescued as a young horse to being nurtured and loved by his owner, Julie.

One of the features I love the most in horses is their expression. Beato’s eyes, to me anyway, show how loving and intelligent he is.

Julie spends a lot of time with Beato. He has come such a long way under her care. And she recently taught him to stand on this platform- a “trick” he is so proud of! He stands up there any looks around like he’s king of the world.  I have a lot of photos of him doing this particular action- but this is my favorite. Because I swear it looks like Julie is telling him a secret and he is listening. Like they are sharing a moment that only they understand.

Beato was wonderful to photograph and is a shining example of how a rescued horse can become an amazing partner. He brings joy to everyone he meets.


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