Chaos and the Sleeper

I love it… chaos… keeps me on the ball, helps me focus, and makes a shoot speed by like a crazy slingshot bouncing from wall to wall.  So- that’s what photographing Frenchies is all about.  French bulldogs are funny- faced silliness and mad chasing, rolling and licking all in one.  I love Frenchies- truly, what’s not to love?

In this case, we have Louie and Mr. Smith. They are opposites. I say that a lot about two dogs but in this case I really, really mean it. Louie is the most mellow dog on the planet. In fact, he is the first dog who has ever actually fallen asleep during a shoot while I was shooting him.  First he was awake… three shots later he was finished. Done. Woke up from his pose then went to his bed and slept.  Mr. Smith, on the other hand, is chaos. He is into every nook and cranny of the house- up down, up down, upside down, downside up- he’s like a blur of cream fur speeding across the room pausing only for his roast beef snack. Yes.. I do bring treats to shoots but these guys only wanted fresh roast beef.

So.. I’m not even going to bother to tell you which one is Louie and which on is Mr. Smith because I’m pretty certain you can figure that out on your own!

Louie has a little issue with his tongue- it’s a little too big for his mouth. And Mr. Smith has at least 100 different “smiles”.. including the one below where, for whatever reason,  he tried to hide his teeth.

The photo below was taken *just* before Louie decided to take a nap. After that, he was nothing more than a lawn decoration.

Then it was nap time.  For Louie AND for me!! 🙂


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