Hot Dog!

OK- so I’ve been reasonably obsessed with Basset Hounds since I was a kid. I’ve never actually had one.. not sure why… it just hasn’t happened. But I love, I mean LOVE Bassets.

So how excited was I when I got the call to photograph TWO little hounds?

Here they are….  Freckles and Cosmo!!

I mean, seriously, HOW adorable!  Freckles is the one on the left… named for his, well, you know. And Cosmo is on the right.

First of all- LOVE the fact that both of these dogs have slight underbites- hilarious. Check it out!

Freckles has a little stray tooth action going on there.:)

I also, of course, love the ears. My biggest regret for this shoot was that it was not a windy day. Some day I have to get a shot of a Basset flapping his ears around like he’s taking off in flight. Because that is seriously funny stuff.

But it was a lovely fall day for our shoot. The dogs were really excited by…. hmm… well….. nothing really. They actually were not excited at all. Shocking, right?  They did like the treats… but I have a feeling they are not used to having to perform to get treats. I mean it’s just enough to look at me with those big eyes and that’s probably all they ever have to do to get their way.

So we took some shots in the outdoor studio. But I really wanted to do something different with these guys. So.. we drove down the street a bit and took this shot on a sidewalk.

Thanks to their Mom for bringing the heels- I had to have this one! And when I said that the dogs were not excited earlier- well… the sidewalk jaunt livened them up a bit and Freckles almost pulled his Mom right over. In a few of these shots she’s literally crooked. ( Those Bassets are strong dogs- they’re just a little vertically challenged:) ) We had big fun on this shoot. Made me want a Basset. Hmm……


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