Lucy and Dusty are a part of one of my favorite client families. Remember Kaitlin and her golden retriever Dylan? Well, theses are Dylan’s older “sisters” and it was their turn for a little time in the spotlight. Lucy- the darker girl- is the more serious of the two- she’s a deep thinker. Dusty is happy, loving and more outgoing.
I have to admit, this was a challenging shoot. Both girls are getting up in years and neither can really hear. So…. my usual barking noises and squeakers were rendered useless and I replaced them with hand signals and, in desperate times, I even waved my leg! Don’t even ask how those particular pictures turned out!
But.. managed to get some lovely shots- and some funny ones. I LOVE dogs who smile- they’re the best!
These girls have huge hearts and a wisdom that comes from many dog years.