One of the best things about being a pet photographer is the time I get to spend with my own pets. I don’t actually take them on shoots because my dogs would be a huge distraction and my horse doesn’t fit in the back of my car!
But when I’m in my office, my dogs are always here with me. Little Henry always hangs out behind my chair and Miss 100 pound Daisy always lies underneath my feet at my desk, which means that I can neither scoot forwards nor backwards. But, hey, that’s OK- I love it!
So let me introduce you to my little companions…… Henry is 11 years old and I adopted him when he was 2. He is the most hilarious dog ever- seriously! He makes the funniest faces and in true corgi form, he will do absolutely anything for a treat. This includes standing on hind legs, turning around, rolling over- and sometimes he does all those things at once.

Henry loves treats- so when I photograph him I have to use them sparingly or he will look like this every time!
Henry is super cute- isn’t he??
Henry’s best bud is his “big sister” Daisy. Daisy is a Shiloh Shepherd and actually she is much younger than Henry- she’s only 2. She out-weighs Henry by 75 pounds but when they play-fight she always lets him win. They are polar opposites in personality- nothing bothers Henry and everything bothers Daisy. She doesn’t like treats, and she is scared of the camera. But I’ll tell you what- that dog can pose! It takes me a while to get her comfortable but I really think she’d be a supermodel if she were human!
See what I mean??
I think she’s gorgeous………
Daisy loves to play- here’s a picture of her with her “pet stick”. She loves this particular stick- I have no idea why. I took a wide shot to show you my outdoor studio. It’s a really lovely place to photograph and a lot of clients will just bring their dogs here. There’s a fountain and a garden- so even the little dogs who don’t like to run so much can find a pretty spot.
Last but not least is my man Kid, whose official grown-up name is “My Sundown Kid”. He’s 21 years old and we’ve been together since he was 3. We used to travel to horse shows all over the country, but now he just chills at the barn next to my house and eats grass with his buddies. Sometimes we go trail riding but more often we just hang out. He’s awesome. Super sweet, talented- huge heart. I love him lots!
Not bad for an old guy, right?